If you want to make money online, you'll need a highly responsive opt-in email list. If you are a wealthy person who is willing to spend money on advertising for each product you promote, this may not be a problem.
Trusted traffic is guaranteed by an Opt in email mailing list Traffic that you can predict or know what they will do once they reach your site. Traffic with whom you already have a relationship.
Let me dispel the myth that size does not matter. It is fine to have a large opt-in email list, but it will not be useful if your subscribers don't respond to you. It is easier to convert subscribers into repeat buyers when you have a strong relationship.
Email marketing is a key component of relationship building. Rumours that Email Marketing is dead are a bit premature.
Email marketing is a powerful tool that allows you to keep in touch with your subscribers and remind them about what you have to say. To get your subscribers to click on your sales pages, you will need to build trust. This is possible only if you have trust in your subscribers.
You can build trust relationships with your subscribers by creating an Opt-in email list and encouraging them to take the necessary actions k-12 list.

Your customers' feedback can be used to create the product you want. Before you even make your eBook, affiliate product, or software available to the public, there will be people interested in it. This is smart marketing because you are responding to the demand and not trying to guess what people want. This will save you both time and money. It is possible to test and discard things, allowing you to spend more time on the things that work.
As I said earlier, size does not matter. It is better having 500 hungry subscribers than having 5,000 people who are not interested in your list. To populate your email list, you must concentrate on quality leads. What other way do marketers think they can say, "I made $302,297 in one week?" Dare I say it with the help of highly responsive opt-in email lists?